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We are an SC-based non-profit organization dedicated to mitigating space debris through research, advocacy, and education.


We started the Space Debris Foundation because of the increasing risk of space debris to resources from satellites we all use everyday, such as broadband internet, GPS, and communication. Space debris also poses a threat to space operations, military defense, and national security.


As a non-profit, we want to ensure that mitigation practices are undertaken sustainably by researching into methods to recycle or repurpose space debris, in addition to reviewing more effective removal methods. Therefore, we advocate to ensure that operators, such as aerospace companies, are responsible stewards by having a clear end-of-life protocol for their satellites. Lastly, we hope to educate the public on the importance of space debris mitigation and to encourage involvement from students and prospective professionals through workforce development programs.


Let's continue to reach for the stars, and not forget about the positive impact that space can provide for everyone.

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Meet the Team

Dedication. Expertise. Passion.

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